This exhibition, conspiring timelines: shimmering temporalities, was on view in June 2022 at The Institute for Endotic Research (TIER) Berlin, during their programme Aurora. A Platform on Ecology, Interdependence and Mutual Aid. It held space for multiple zeitgeber (time giver) experiments that changed over the duration of the exhibition. Zeitgeber are reactions of living beings to sensorial cues, for example plants to changing light conditions during climate change realities that are often described within shifting circadian rhythms. In the exhibiton we brewed Sun Tea with the Holunder/Elderflower blossoms sprouting at the time, shared a film that undoes the temporal linearity of their blossoms being cut on and off, and offered pillows fuzed with plastics holding time from extracted crude oil turned into quick throwaway plastics - cared for rather than thrown away. Engaging a politics of non-disposability, every material we worked with in the exhibition continues to transform in our practice to this day. All photos were taken by Benjamin Busch.
In this exhibition we held multiple workshops, where we engaged Zeitgeber as external cues that influence the timing of our internal clocks. Zeitgeber are co-conspirators that practice with us towards crip (meeting our bodyminds) and trans* (making cuts when needed) timelines. Working together with shapeshifting materials that give back time to us by modulating relations between our embodiments and sensorial environments, we engaged: sand, water, light, makeup, containers, video and impacts.