Archiving the Unstable

U - Archiving the Unstable unfolds through multiple non-linear narratives that we melted within the Vilem Flusser archive during the transmediale residency in the hot summer of 2021. Unfolding experiments through Boiling, Folding, Fragments, Surfaces, Orientation, Sorting, Imagined Bottoms + Technological Belief, the video follows material transformations and failures of 3D technologies to capture shape shifting matters.

Video Stills

Cloudy smoke passes infront of layers of fabric. Closed captions read: transforms polygons into smoke bleeds.
Uneven edges meet up against rectangular hard edges in the middle of the image, smoke shifts the edge of a bulbous projection.
A cut out ladder hovers infront of a wall full of binders in the archive.
A digitally processd image shoes green rolling waves of greenscreen with melting ice blocks sitting on it. In the middle a rectanle is drawn over one melting block, it looks like small mountains. Closed captions read: shapes and arrangements that don't allow for seamless photogrammetry/capture.
A digitally composed image of white clay is smushed into forms that evade clear edges. Closed captions read: the bendy-ness of this more sculptural plastic material (clay).
Uneven edges meet up against rectangular hard edges in the middle of the image, smoke shifts the edge of a bulbous projection. Closed captions read: rain, sleeping space, stimming.
A green landscape in low light includes a few ice blocks nestled in the rolls. Closed captions read: try a few experiments.
On a crumpled dark green background an ice block floats in the middle of the image. Closed captions read: Melting processes fall out of - slide out of - fragment and glitch - traditional images.